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Cu (4)
Multiform (4)
Unknown (2)
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Soil (1)

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Metal Family Alloy Object type Object name Origin Chronology Technology Artefact location
Cu Cu Alloy Sacrificial knife (tumi in vernacular language) Sacrificial knife (tumi) IVc 23683 Peru Unknown Cast and cold worked Museum der Kulturen, Basel
Cu Leaded Bronze sculpture Fragment of an Aegis of Neïth 1886.305.0096 ancient Egypt As-cast, engraving, (glass?) inlay, gilding with gold foil. Bernisches Historisches Museum (BHM), Bern, Bern
Cu Quarternary bronze alloy Applique Bust of an applique 2005.054.F00265.1 Augst BL, Augusta Raurica, Insula 27, Roman villa, Avenches, Vaud, Switzerland Roman Times Hollow cast, chiselled Museum Augusta Raurica, Avenches
Cu Tin Bronze Jewellery Pin HR-3071 Hauterive - Champréveyres, Neuchâtel, Neuchâtel, Switzerland Late Bronze Age Laténium, Neuchâtel, Neuchâtel