Moreau. Caroline (Laboratoire MATERIA VIVA, Toulouse, Midi-Pyrénées, France) & TOUZEAU. Julie (Laboratoire MATERIA VIVA, Toulouse, Midi-Pyrénées, France)
Metal piece probably coming from a wooden box forming a "L" shape, coverered with iron corrosion products. Dimensions: L around 10cm and W around 5cm.
Furniture element
Las Cravieros, Fanjeaux, France
Early medieval times
Las Cravieros, Fanjeaux (Favennec Benoît), Languedoc-Roussillon
FS665 US10011
Mechanical removal of the corrosion products and protection with resin paraloid B72 in acetone.
The artefact might have been exposed to high temperatures because it was found around a forging work area.
The schematic representation below gives an overview of the corrosion structure(s) encountered on the object from a first visual macroscopic observation.
S1 | Sediment | powdery and non adherent |
CP1 | Corrosion product | bright orange corrosion product or soil orange-coloured by corrosion products |
CP2 | Corrosion product | brown layer of corrosion products with silica grains |
CP3 | Corrosion product | very thin discontinuous layer of a red corrosion product without silica grains |
CP4 | Corrosion product | grey/blue continuous layer |
SV1 | Structural void | |
M1 | Metal | compact metal. Observation of stretched metal around the structural voids |
Table 1: Description of the principal characteristics of the strata as observed under binocular and described according to Bertholon's method.
Fe Alloy
The presence of only iron corrosion products allows us to propose an iron base metal.
Corrosion products are typical of those of iron-based alloys.
This ferrous alloy object that may have belonged to a wooden box was found near a forge area. Among the observed corrosion strata and characteristic of the corrosion process of ferrous metals, two corrosion layers CP3 and CP4 appear atypical compared to other corrosion profiles of similar metals (cf MiCorr | Knife with a groove on both sides DEV 995/814 PR - Fe Alloy - Early medieval times - Switzerland). They could be related to high temperature exposure due to the proximity of a forging zone.
The limit of the original surface is probably between CP2/CP3 and CP3/CP4. Layer CP3 (in red) shows no more silica grain coming from the burial environnement. CP3 can be removed, but this will eliminate certain elements relating to the history of the artefact.
References on object and sample
1. Raffel, P., (2004) Etudes sur la corrosion-conservation de fers archéologiques incinérés, sous la dir. de Monique Drieux et Francis Dabosi, internship report DESS, Toulouse, Université Paul Sabatier.