MiCorr News

November 30, 2022

Lettre d'information / Newsletter 6 - novembre/November 2022

Cette sixième lettre d’information est la dernière du projet MetalPAT. Elle montre le chemin parcouru depuis le démarrage de la collaboration entre les partenaires du projet et les acteurs de terrain engagés. En deux ans, l’application MiCorr+ s’est munie de moteurs de recherche robustes qui devraient en faire une véritable plateforme d’aide au diagnostic où le métal est considéré dans toute sa globalité et toute sa diversité.

This sixth newsletter is the last one of the MetalPAT project. It shows how far we have come since the start of the collaboration between the project partners and the end-users involved. In two years, the MiCorr+ application has been equipped with robust search engines which should make it a real diagnostic support platform where metal is considered in all its entirety and diversity.

October 30, 2022

Final meeting of MetalPAT

This final meeting will be held in Neuchâtel on November 17, 2022

September 08, 2022

Workshop/meeting at Site et Musées Romains d’Avenches (SMRA)

On May 2, 2022, the intermediate results collected on the SMRA objects  studied in the MetalPAT project were presented to the staff. The experts are very interested to see the comparisons between the objects they have entered using the MiCorr application and the other objects in the database.

September 06, 2022

Workshop/meeting au Service Archéologique du Canton de Berne (SACB)

On 6 April, 2022, a training session was held at SACB . The results obtained so far were presented, as well as the first hypotheses resulting from the comparison between the objects of the MetalPAT partners on the problem of delamination of corrosion products on copper-based alloys. 

September 05, 2022

Workshop/meeting at Service Archéologique de l'Etat de Fribourg (SAEF)

On 25 April 2002, a meeting was organised with the SAEF conservation experts. In February of the same year, a training session was given to all the department's conservation staff to introduce the new version of the MiCorr application. Further collaboration on the "By stratigraphy representation" search engine is ongoing with the metal conservators.

August 22, 2022

Lettre d'information / Newsletter 5 - août/August 2022

Cette cinquième lettre d’information est publiée avec un peu de retard. Nous vous prions de nous en excuser. Ce retard s’explique en partie par le fait que nous souhaitions présenter des modifications importantes de l’application qui viennent tout juste d’être mises en ligne.

This fifth newsletter is published late. We apologise for this delay. This is partly due to the fact that we wanted to present important changes to the MiCorr+ application that have just been released.

November 22, 2021

Lettre d'information / Newsletter 4 - novembre/November 2021

Tout comme en 2020, le projet MetalPAT a, à nouveau, été impacté en 2021 par le Covid-19. Si l’application, ses moteurs de recherche ont continué à évoluer, les missions auprès des acteurs de terrain ont été fortement perturbées.

As in 2020, the MetalPAT project was again impacted in 2021 by Covid-19. While the application and its search engines continued to evolve, the collaborations with some end-users were severely disrupted.

May 24, 2021

Lettre d'information / Newsletter 3 - mai/May 2021

Les activités du projet MetalPAT ont démarré au moment de la mise en place du 1er confinement lié au Covid-19 en mars 2020. L’année 2020 s’est déroulée en périodes hachées de déconfinements et re-confinements. Devant ces aléas difficilement gérables, nous nous sommes adaptés et cette troisième lettre montre que le projet progresse malgré tout, comme attendu.

MetalPAT project activities started at the time of the 1st Covid-19 lockdown in March 2020. The year 2020 was conducted with periods of deconfinement and re-confinement. Faced with these unmanageable hazards, we have adapted and this third letter shows that the project is progressing as expected.

April 20, 2021

Visit at Musée Cantonal d'Archéologie et d'Histoire de Lausanne, Switzerland

The HE-Arc and UTBM teams were invited on 20 April 2021 by David Cuendet et Nicolas Moret from MCAH to examine their corpus of artefacts.

April 19, 2021

Visit at Service Archéologique et Paléontologique du Jura, Delémont, Switzerland

The HE-Arc CR and UTBM teams were invited on 19 April 2021 by Martine Rochat from SAP, Jura to examine some of the knifes discovered on Ste Ursanne site.

March 11, 2021

Visit at Musée d'Art et d'Histoire of Geneva, Switzerland

The HE-Arc CR team was invited on 11 March 2021 by Bernadette Rey-Bellet to examine some of the coins of the hoard of Peney site.

March 08, 2021

Visit at JAPY industrial site, Beaucourt, France

Marina Gasnier (Femto-Recits) invited the LMC and LAPA teams to a visit of old JAPY factory on 08 March 2021. The objective was to examine the iron-based structure and decide of possible sampling.

March 02, 2021

Visit at Centre de Conservation et d'Etude de Lons-le-Saunier, France

The HE-Arc CR and UTBM teams visited on 02 March 2021 Sylvie Jurietti, archaeologist at CCE-LS to examine different artefacts from the corpus selected.

February 05, 2021

Second plenary session of the MetalPAT project

More than 20 partner institutions from Switzerland and France have gathered in Neuchâtel for the second meeting of the MetalPAT Interreg project.

November 09, 2020

Lettre d’information / Newsletter 2 – novembre / November 2020

Des confinements successifs qui ont peu affecté la progression du projet…

MetalPAT est un projet pluridisciplinaire. Nous avons eu la chance de tous nous rencontrer avant le 1er confinement. La mise en place de visioconférences de mars à juin 2020 a permis la poursuite des échanges et la progression du projet. Les réunions en présentiel ont repris à l’été bien que l’agenda de chacun soit bien rempli. Le 2ème confinement commençant, nos échanges virtuels ont repris de plus bel.

A succession of lockdowns that had little effect on the progress of the project…

MetalPAT is a multidisciplinary project. We had the chance to meet all of us before the 1st lockdown. The setting up of videoconferences from March to June 2020 allowed the continuation of exchanges and the progress of the project. The face-to-face meetings resumed in the summer, although everyone's agenda was full. As the second lockdown began, our virtual exchanges resumed.

June 11, 2020

Lettre d’information / Newsletter 1 – mai / May 2020

Un premier trimestre confiné mais actif...

Suite à la réunion de lancement du projet le 6 février 2020, nous avons très vite démarré nos premières actions. La crise sanitaire actuelle a bien évidemment impacté le projet car aucune réunion en présentiel n’a pu être mise en place. Toutefois le travail avance comme le montrent les actions développées dans la lettre d'information.

A confined but active first quarter...

Following the project kick-off meeting on 6 February 2020, we very quickly started our first actions. The current health crisis has obviously impacted the project because no face-to-face meetings could be set up. However, the work is progressing, as shown by the actions developed in the newsletter.

February 06, 2020

First plenary session of the MetalPAT project

More than 30 partner institutions from Switzerland and France will gather in Neuchâtel for the official launch of the MetalPAT Interreg project.
